The Biblical Response to the Great Reset with Pastor Jack Hibbs and Charlie Kirk

Charlie Kirk:   You had the idea to talk about the Great Reset and to dive into it because it can be really complex.  But it doesn’t have to be and the way I want to start through Jack is to kind of frame the players that are behind this. So we’ve all heard the term Globalists.  These are people that do not believe in the sovereignty of nations.  These are people that don’t believe in borders. They don’t believe there should be any difference between America or Brazil or Sierra Leone, that the world needs to come together  in a borderless society.  Jack you’re going to go into depth of how the scriptures actually you know prophesy, this in amazing detail .  So the globalists they look at themselves as trying to micro engineer your behavior.

The World your decisions and in particular, lets just be blunt they want to play God, because they don’t believe in God.  Everyone here tonight believes in two things and you might have different politics, you might have different ways of looking at the world. We believe there is a God and you are not him.  Is that right? We believe those two things.   That’s a good starting point. Absolutely.

At the World Economic Forum the Globalist setting, they believe neither of those things.  That right they do not believe there is a God and they believe if there was a God it’s me Titan of Industry, Jeff Bezos, Hollywood Actor, Head of State.  So that’s a huge difference right?  So we start from a philosophical approach of one of humility and one that is waiting for God’s Grace to come down to us. They look at one as one of well I am going to make the World as I want it.  And I am going to be in charge and that really is a Satanic and Good Versus Evil struggle.  What we see from the very beginning of the Bible.

This Economic Forum convenes actually in a place so every winter, the richest people on the planet Heads of State, Actors, they meet in Switzerland in a town called Davos. You’ve probably heard of this before.  Usually they’ll do kind of market commentary from Davos, Switzerland.  Right near the Border of Elisha Stein, really nice you know beautiful area.  If you guys ever visit it is less important.  About where it is but more important what actually happens there.  For the last couple of years they really become more and more organized and they’ve become more vocal and more clear about the world that they are trying to usher in.  They were kind of always struggling and wrestling.

If you go back to look at the tapes of 2017, 2018, 2019 before the Chinese Corona Virus, they were really unable to make the argument of the bridge so they know where we were and they they know where they wanted to go.  But they were were always stopping short of how to get there.  Because they’re like,  Western Society is super rich and prosperous and has private property rights.  And has borders, how are we actually going to connect the two of them.   So the man who is the Chairman of the World Economic Forum is an individual by the name of Klaus Schwab. 

If you were lie in central casting of a Hollywood film of Bond, the villain is Klaus Schwab.  Lets put a picture of Klaus Schwab up on the screen by the way.  Have you ever seen the recent James Bond film of Blowfly, that Klaus Schwab right? No it gets better, so he also talks in this super baritone German accent and I think we have a video of Klaus Schwab.  Really quick just get an idea of kind of who you’re dealing with here.  I mentioned names like Merkel, Vladimir Putin and on and on, all all have been young global leaders of the World Economic Forum.  But what e are very proud of now is a young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, President of Brazil, of Argentina and so on.  Certainly penetrates the cabinets of yesterday, if I was suddenly had a reception for Prime Minister and I would know that half of his cabinet or even more half of this Government are for our actually young Global Leaders of the World. 

(They show a video of the World Economic Forum. With Klaus Schwab discussing how they have taken over Governments. )

That is true in Argentina,  now in France, now I mean Mr. President. Okay, you guys so let me translate.  I know it hard to understand this,  what he’s saying there, he’s openly admitting it know it could be hard to understand.  In his English German accent he openly admitting the World Economic Forum has taken over entire Governments.  That’s what he is just saying, Justin Trudeau is a young World Economic Forum Leader.  France is that what he’s saying it openly at the Forum. Put on by the World Economic Forum worst staff in every Government in the West that’s right .  In every government in the West, that’s right, for example the head of finance in Canada, when thy shut down the bank accounts of the truckers, World ECONOMIC Forum Graduate Justin Trudeau World Economic Forum Graduate Emmanuel Macron. World Economic Forum Graduates all the ties go back to this individual Klaus Schwab.

So who is this guy, he is German.  You know obviously,  but that’s it.   Let’s talk about that for a second.  The German view of history is the German historical view of Non-Christian is one that if we advance technology quick enough we can get a place of Utopia here on Earth.  A guy by the name of Hegel wrote a book back in the eighteen hundreds about how we can accelerate humanity quickly.  He’s an engineer actually Klaus Schwab believes in trusting the science.  If you will now, when they convene together and this is the point that I want to kind of put forward of how the last couple of years are so instrumental.  They’re always plotting and planning and trying to put things in motion, so they’ve had these eight goals of the Great Reset.  We’re going to go through those tonight and actually how the Bible predicted every single one of them. And the challenge always was how do we reset something, if it’s not broken.

So, first you have to break it.  That’s right so before you actually bring in a reset you have to smash it into a million pieces and we have just lived through the last two years of them smashing our civilization into a million pieces.  Locked everything down, put masks on kids. Don’t allow them to develop linguistic skills, vaccine mandates, destroy small businesses, erode the currency of all dollar bills in circulation in the last two years and then all of these other seemingly out of reach goals all of a sudden come right into view. 

So as we talk tonight about Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum in Davos,  we got all of our terms right . These people are they look at themselves as the Masters of the Universe of the entire planet.  But there’s a couple of things that stand in the way of the Great Reset and one of those is America,  they don’t really know what to do with America. 

Jack Hibbs: Yet and its a perfect sequel to our conversation tonight.  You guys what’s amazing about what Charlie’s talking about.   Is if you research the development of nations and the birth of nations throughout human history, there’s only two nations in the world that can boast the hand of God directly upon their founding and one is the Nation of Israel and other is the United States.  Which is a very remarkable thing which is one of the reasons why we are what is known in the World as American Exceptionalism.   It’s not the fact that it’s not that we’re snooty or that we’re better than anybody else, it’s that we recognize that we have been recipients of a tremendous act of God that began with our pilgrim fathers.  And I’m a big fan of the Mayflower.  Compact it’s a two paragraph uh argument , uh, declaration, its the in some ways, its the nations birth certificate and you ought to read it, it should be read.  I think to your kids and by yourself every year. 

But the point that we’re making tonight is this. The Bible makes the announcement that in the last days. Whatever that is, the last days we do know it means that a time when God moves that in the last days there’s going to a gathering of nations from around the World, that end up ruling the world.  And each of them in the Bible tells us in the book of Daniel and in the Book of Revelation, that each of them have a King and each of the Ten dominate the World. So ten kings will regions of power under them and the Bible refers to this book of Daniel.  Many people have referred in our modern tongue to the resurrection of what was the ancient Roman Empire out of the Book of Daniel.  Its fascinating, but the point is there are 10 leaders.  There’ll be four key speaking rule makers.  But out of them will arise one that will be predominate and that one will be intrigue, whittle away or destroy the other, so that he alone is the one that dominates the economies of the world that dominates . 

What you can believe and not believe in fact he is the one that in Revelation 13 tells us that he is the one.  This guy that is going to implement a reboot or a reset of economic systems of the world by numbers,  no more currency, no more currency the Bible says in Revelation 13 that this one, that is coming will implement a numerical system of transaction that there a prefix by the way the number.  So think about your phone you’ve got,  your area code number before your number, will be a three-digit number and it is the number 666.  And he is the one, this the one that is known as the antichrist, will usher a global dominating world economy and a world system to us that sounds bad to us.  That sounds horrible to a world that has been conditioned and that why you and I have been talking to Charlie.  I’ve been telling Charlie that I think the last two years, we’ve been going through the Great Setup that right before the big reset takes place.  Because like he said America is a weird duck in the world, that’s right the moment it was under the leadership of Trump our economy exploded back and the things began to move again your business began to prosper you had to hire people, this is unheard of in a world that there’s  something about America that is unique.  And so its our prayer that we stand and fight and stay strong .  God might show us mercy right ?  He might pause the button on the things that are advancing but we’re in the days now we see Post-Covid World.  We see how things can change now globally overnight.  And so its quite a remarkable time, but America is that bone that is stuck in the throat of this Globalist effort, and sad to say these great corporation, you know that we’ve all learned to be dependent upon the Apples and the Microsoft of the World and Amazon, um you must admit, you almost maybe can’t live without them.  Were hooked on them, we don’t like going shopping anymore, we like that little box in the mail.      Please listen to the video to the end.  It’s very good.

8 Predictions for 2030 according to World Economic Forum.

World Economic Forum Prediction