Wake Up America 

USA Politics and Religion – It is our intent to give you current political and religion beliefs from a great awakening perspective.  We have posted many videos and articles.  

In addition, we are presenting the Global Agenda Intentions.  There is a Plan that Globalist are trying to implement in our Country, you may call it Socialism, Marxism, or Communism.

The Globalist Plan has been in the works for many years.  Let your voice be heard before it is to late.  Contact your local government officials.  Contact your Senator and your Congressman, or Congress Woman.  Let them know you are not happy about the direction they are going.

Many Americans are starting the process of Awakening about Politics and Religion.  Yes, we say Religion and Politics together here.  Over the decades of many citizens, many were taught to not discuss Religion and Politics together or at all.  But now it’s a necessity to discuss these topics.  We must learn everything we can, or America will not survive as a free country.

Politicians have gained too much power and there is way too much corruption.  Too many Politicians are compromised by China deals.  Too many Politicians are not accountable to their constituents.  Terms limits need to be implemented.

Now you see  the results of the CCP Covid Virus hurting our country and countries around the world,  we need to educate ourselves about this Pandemic and why China implemented this virus around the Globe.  Not many people are willing to discuss this subject out of fear.  Is this what you want for America?  We have been infiltrated by numerous foreign governments. There are many who believe that the CCP – Chinese Communist Party and the Russian governments are among those who seek to influence U.S. policy makers.  Many American Politician have taken money from foreign adversaries.

To learn more we invite you to click the button below to enter the website.  We have created a Blog to showcase many videos and articles we have found on the internet to help explain many of these subjects listed above.  You may agree with them or disagree, and that is good.  At least you are trying to learn more about many of these problems that have been occurring across the United States.

We are showcasing USA Politics and Religion.

America’s Demonic Urge –  Fire Power

Unqualified Disaster – Fire Power!

America is under a mass demonic urge.  They’re wanting to do things that make no sense at all.  That’s what we believe about Kamala Harris.  It is a demonic urge that’s driving that campaign.  Tonight, we we expose it for what it is and what to do about it.  If you’re trying to figure out why folks would vote for a woman who has a horrible record and hasn’t won any primaries we’re going to show you what’s going on from a spiritual standpoint.  You don’t want to miss tonight’s Fire Power!

Visit: https://toddcoconato.com/

Visit: https://mariomurillo.org/

Erick Stakelbeck: Trump Assassination Attempt.

Where Does America Go From Here.

Erick Stakelbeck hosts a special episode of Stakelbeck Tonight with guests Greg Laurie, Samuel Rodiquez and Jentezen Franklin, calling all of us to come together in unity and pray for the future of our nation.

Erick Stakelbeck is a great source for keep up-to-date with what is going on in Israel.   Erick is the Host and Executive Producer of The Watchman, a cutting edge newsmagazine delivering the inside story of what’s happing in Israel and the Middle East.  The Watchman television show can be see on TBN and on YouTube Every weekday. 

Visit: www.youtube.com/@TheWatchmanwithErickStakelbeck

Zach Terry Interview with author Seamus Bruner

Pastor Zach Terry interviews Seamus Bruner, Director of Research at Government Accountability Institute and author of his new book, ” Controligarchs”  he exposes the Billionaire Class their Secret Deals, and the Globalists plot to Dominate Your Life.  Find the book at local bookstores, or visit https://controligarchsbook.com/

Pastor Zach is the Lead pastor of the First Baptist Church of Fernandina Beach, Fl.  This amazing congregation is his first passion, and the ministry is the one in which he delights the most.  They serve as the base of operations and development for the materials delivered through Maximum Life.  You can learn more about  Pastor Zack Terry at his website.




Tony Perkins Interviews Seamus Bruner – Billionaires Power in “Controligarchs”

Seamus Bruner, Government Accountability Institute Director of Research, discusses his new book “Controligarchs,” which exposes the billionaire class and their attempt to control the levers of power worldwide. Topics discussed: Controligarchs, Bill Gates, George Soros, Information Industry, Social Media, and Seamus Bruner Final Thoughts. You can find his book on Amazon.  Click the link:  Amazon 

Tony Perkins – President of Family Research Council –
Tony Perkins is Family Research Council’s fourth and longest-serving president, joining the organization in August of 2003. Described as a legislative pioneer by the national media, Tony has established himself as an innovative pro-life and pro-family policy and political leader since first being elected to office in 1996. Learn more about Tony Perkins at 
FRC.org / tony-perkins

Clay Clarks’s Reawaken America Tours.  Sponsored by Charisma News. Watch the Video to learn more. Visit their website to learn more about dates and times. 

Also visit one of their sponsors: American Faith.com


America Faith Media Network

Phil Hotsenpiller is the Founder and President of American Faith and the Senior Pastor of Influence Church. He is a Biblical Prophecy Expert, Cultural Thought Leader, and a Passionate Patriot. Click the link below to visit the website.

American Faith

The Great Awakening vs The Great Reset

The Thrivetime Show Business Coach Program (Powered by MYLEAgency.com) was founded by former United States Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year and current member of the Forbes Coaches Council, Clay Clark. It is headed by massively successful optometrist turned entrepreneur, Doctor Robert Zoellner. Together, they have started and built 13 multi-million dollar companies

With the Thrivetime Show business coach program you now have access to proven business systems that have been personally used by Doctor Zoellner to build a thriving auto auction, booming optometry clinics, a successful major bank investment, a growing medical equipment company, an always growing sleep center and many other successful businesses. Both Clay and Dr Zoellners used these proven systems and strategies to turn their dreams into reality, and now so can you.  To learn more about this very special program visit the link below.

ReAwaken American Tour



Turing Point USA

Charlie Kirk is the Founder and President of Turning Point USA, a national student movement dedicated to identifying, organizing, and empowering young people to promote the principles of free markets and limited government.

With a presence on over 3,500 high school and college campuses nationwide, over 250,000 student members, and over 450 full- and part-time staff all across the country, Turning Point USA is the largest and fastest growing conservative youth activist organization in the country. At just 28-years-old, Charlie has appeared on Fox News, FOX Business News, and CNBC over a thousand times. He’s also a columnist at Newsweek and his writings can be seen on Fox News, The Hill, RealClearPolitics, The Washington Times, Breitbart, American Greatness, Daily Caller, and Human Events.

Charlie was named to the Forbes “30 under 30” list, was the youngest speaker at the 2016 Republican National Convention and was the opening speaker at the 2020 RNC. He’s the author of three books including the #1 Amazon and New York Times best seller, “The MAGA Doctrine: The Only Ideas that Will Win the Future” from Broadside Books, an imprint of Harper Collins. Visit Turning Point USA. Click the link below.

Turning Point USA

The Biblical Response to the Great Reset with Pastor Jack Hibbs and Charlie Kirk

Charlie Kirk:   You had the idea to talk about the Great Reset and to dive into it because it can be really complex.  But it doesn’t have to be and the way I want to start through Jack is to kind of frame the players that are behind this. So we’ve all heard the term Globalists.  These are people that do not believe in the sovereignty of nations.  These are people that don’t believe in borders. They don’t believe there should be any difference between America or Brazil or Sierra Leone, that the world needs to come together  in a borderless society.  Jack you’re going to go into depth of how the scriptures actually you know prophesy, this in amazing detail .  So the globalists they look at themselves as trying to micro engineer your behavior.

The World your decisions and in particular, lets just be blunt they want to play God, because they don’t believe in God.  Everyone here tonight believes in two things and you might have different politics, you might have different ways of looking at the world. We believe there is a God and you are not him.  Is that right? We believe those two things.   That’s a good starting point. Absolutely.

Read More 


Stand Against Injustice! Protests, Trials, and Politics from FlashPoint
FlashPoint is a Program on the Victory Channel.   There are many great programs that The Victory Channel puts on YouTube.   This particular video offers news about the following subjects, Protests at the Universities, Yale Students Block Jewish Students, Are Colleges Safe?  Political Responses and Prayer, Lou Dobbs, Trump’s Prosecution, Ukraine Flags on the Congress House Floor.

Former Brigadier General Robert Spalding full interview with Patrick Bet-David. Read Stealth War https://amzn.to/34ypyuo China’s Silent Takeover While Americas Elite Slept.  About Robert Spalding: Brig. Gen. Robert S. Spalding III assumed the duties of Special Assistant to the U.S. Air Force Vice Chief of Staff in February 2018. Music selection used through agreement with Epidemic Sound http://bit.ly/2B8DxK1 Subscribe to Valuetainment for all new updates http://bit.ly/2aPEwD4

Flashpoint provides:  USA Politics and Religion

USA Great Awakening

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